Home SalesforceLightning Enable Standardization with Quick Text in Salesforce

Enable Standardization with Quick Text in Salesforce

by Dhanik Lal Sahni
Quick Text in Salesforce

Salesforce Agents keep responding to emails/concerns raised by customers. They have to write or copy/paste response content for each email/concern. It might take time and create spelling/grammar mistakes, Salesforce has a tool Quick text which can be utilized to resolve these mentioned issues. This post will explain how to enable standardization with quick text in Salesforce.

Steps to enable Quick Text in Salesforce

  1. Enable Quick Text
  2. Creating Quick Text Messages
  3. Using Quick text

1. Enable Quick Text

Enable Quick Text from Setup-> Quick Text Settings, if it is not enabled by default. There are other two settings available on the setting page- Share and organize quick text in folders and Hide quick text button and pop-up.

Share and organize quick text in folders – This will help save the quick text in a folder to manage it properly. We can create different folders as per category and save Quick Text category-wise.

Hide quick text button and pop-up – This will hide/show the quick text button in plain or rich text controls.

2. Creating Quick Text Messages

We have to create quick text messages for use by agents. Agent/Supervisor can also create these based on what permission is assigned to them. These text messages can be created as different categories so that different department agents can use different text messages. It will help them quickly respond to customer queries in a standard format.

By default, we have 3 categories for Quick Text which we can find in the Quick Text object category field. We can create categories based on our requirements. For this post, I have created one category – Return.

Quick Text in Salesforce - SalesforceCodex

If we have enabled Share and organize quick text in folders then only the folder will be available for selection. Even after enabling it, if the folder is not showing then add the folder on the page layout.

You can change the text message template based on your requirement. For this post, I have used the below message

Dear User,

We received your request {!Case.CaseNumber}  for a refund of your last order.

As per return team verification, all of your items are approved for return/replacement. 

Thank You,

Once quick text is created, you can see all quick texts from All Quick Text List from the Quick Text object tab.

Quick Text in Salesforce - SalesforceCodex

3. Using Quick text

We have Quick Text now. Let us use the above-created Quick Text for sending emails. When we open a task/event or email creation, we can see a Quick Text button in the comment section similar to a highlighted section in the below image.

Quick Text in Salesforce - SalesforceCodex

On click of the Quick Text button, it will open the list of all quick text/messages. You can see it is showing Return Message quick text. It is also showing a preview of that Quick Text for quick review.

On selection of Quick Text, it will populate all merged fields and put the text message in the field. You can see the case number is added in Quick Text and Owner Name is not populated as the field was not having any value.

Quick Text in Salesforce - SalesforceCodex


Quick Text is a very powerful feature for a service-based project where a lot of interaction happens with Customers. It will make responses streamlined and standardized so that there will be no grammar/spelling mistakes and it will make the agent work very fast on cases. This way they will handle more cases which will lead to better business.


Enable Quick Text

Increase Your Productivity in the Service Console

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