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We should use proper name of flow and its element. As now we have  unlocked package as well so we should name our flow based on module  being developed so that it can be used easily in module package.

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Lightning Flow is now more powerful then process builder, workflow and trigger.  To manage flow we can create one main flow and based on decision elements we can call other sub flows.

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create two trigger flow for each object, one for before save operation and one for after save operation.

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we should always use bulkification wherever we can apply that otherwise we will get SOQL limit exception error

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We should log error for each failure. Try to log each error in custom object using Platform Event.

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While retrieving records using Get Records operation, if data not found then return null and use decision element on that variable

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If you are not getting proper result while testing flow then try to debug flow with user who will use it.

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Always get flow tested for multiple users simultaneously, specially if flow is working for multiple records at a time.

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Always pass data at runtime to flow. Don’t hardcode in flow variable  like if we need to pass current record id then pass it from other flow  or from app builder page.

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Document each flow use case to maintain it properly. As number of flows  will increase so it will be difficult to know which flow will do what.

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Thank You

Salesforce Inspector

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