Home SalesforceInterview Question Mastering Technical Questions for Tech Lead/Salesforce Architect Interview-4

Mastering Technical Questions for Tech Lead/Salesforce Architect Interview-4

by Dhanik Lal Sahni
Salesforce Architect Interview

Architects and Tech Leads at Salesforce possess vast knowledge of the Salesforce platform. They ought to respond to the interview questions in-depth. The Salesforce Tech Lead and Salesforce Architect Interview should cover these 20 questions and their respective responses. Your response may vary based on your level of domain experience.

Check the Below Posts for Salesforce Interview Questions

  1. 20 Technical Questions to Test Your Skills in a Tech Lead/Salesforce Architect Interview-3
  2. Top 20 Technical Questions for Tech Lead /Salesforce Architect Interview – I
  3. Top 20 Interview Questions for Tech Lead /Salesforce Architect Interview – II
  4. 20 Scenario-based Salesforce Developer Interview Question
  5. Top 30 Scenario-Based Salesforce Developer Interview Questions

Q. 61 Describe a strategy to implement a complex, multi-level territory management system in Salesforce to accommodate global sales operations.

Use Salesforce Territory Management 2.0. Begin by defining the territory hierarchy, which reflects the organizational sales structure of regions, sub-regions, and territories. Set up territory types and rules based on geographic locations, industry, product lines, and account size. Use assignment rules to automatically add accounts and opportunities to territories. Implement custom Apex or process automation to handle exceptions and complex scenarios that are not addressed by out-of-the-box functionality. Ensure that reporting and forecasting reflect territory alignments and are accessible to territory managers.

Q. 62 How would you optimize the Salesforce mobile app for field service technicians who need offline access and the ability to update job statuses in real-time?

Customize the Salesforce Field Service Lightning mobile app to improve its functionality. Using the Salesforce Mobile SDK, you can create custom mobile pages and components for field service needs like job status updates, parts inventory management, and service history review. Implement offline capabilities so that data can be stored locally on the device while offline and synchronized with Salesforce when connectivity is restored. Use mobile device features like the camera and GPS to enrich service data (for example, photo uploads and location tracking).

Q. 63 Propose a design for a Salesforce system to handle high-volume event processing, such as customer actions from a website, efficiently and in real-time.

Implement Platform Events using a high-throughput system architecture. Create secure and scalable endpoints for publishing events from external systems to Salesforce Platform Events (for example, Heroku and AWS Lambda). Use an event-driven architecture within Salesforce, where subscribers (Apex triggers or processes) respond to events as they occur. Scale the solution by splitting events into chunks and, if necessary, employing distributed processing patterns. Optimize the processing Apex code so that it is bulk-safe and limit-compliant. If historical analysis is required, consider Big Objects for long-term event data storage.

Q. 64 How would you implement multi-factor authentication for sensitive operations within Salesforce, such as processing financial transactions or changing key customer data?

Implementing multi-factor authentication (MFA) for sensitive operations within Salesforce requires several steps to ensure the security of financial transactions and customer data:

1. Enable MFA: Set Salesforce to require MFA for specific user profiles or roles that access sensitive data or perform critical operations. This can be accomplished using Salesforce’s built-in MFA capabilities or by integrating with third-party identity providers that support MFA.
2. Choose authentication factors: To verify user identity, select multiple authentication factors such as passwords, security tokens, SMS codes, or biometric authentication (for example, fingerprint or face recognition). The combination of these factors provides an additional layer of security beyond the traditional username and password.
3. Customize Login Flows: Customize Salesforce login flows to prompt users for additional authentication factors when performing sensitive operations. Design the login flow to smoothly guide users through the MFA process while providing a user-friendly experience.
4. Implement Time-Based Verification: Integrate time-based verification mechanisms, such as one-time passwords (OTP) generated by authenticator apps or sent via SMS, to ensure that authentication factors are valid within a specific time frame.
5. Monitor and Audit: Set up mechanisms to track user access and authentication events in Salesforce. Monitor MFA usage, failed login attempts, and any unusual activity to detect potential security threats or unauthorized access attempts.
6. User Training and Education: Provide users with comprehensive training and education on the importance of multi-factor authentication and best practices for protecting sensitive operations. Encourage users to enable and use multi-factor authentication regularly to protect their accounts and sensitive data.
Implementing these measures can help organizations improve the security of their Salesforce instance and reduce the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive data or financial transactions.

Q. 65 Develop a strategy for customizing Salesforce to ensure GDPR compliance, particularly for data subject access requests and the right to be forgotten.

Create custom objects and processes for tracking and managing data subject access and deletion requests. Use Process Builder or Flow to automate the response process, ensuring that requests are handled within the legal time limits.

Create an Apex class that can anonymize or securely delete personal data across Salesforce objects and related systems, while preserving data integrity and references. As GDPR regulations evolve, conduct regular audits and updates to the processes.

Q. 66 How would you approach consolidating multiple Salesforce Orgs into a single org for a global company to improve data consistency and reduce overhead?

Begin by conducting a thorough audit of all existing organizations to better understand their data, customizations, and user needs. Create a consolidated organizational structure that aligns with global business processes while accounting for the needs and regulatory requirements of various regions. To migrate data, use tools such as Salesforce Data Loader and third-party ETL tools. Implement rigorous testing and data validation phases to ensure data integrity. Roll out the new organization in stages, providing ample user training and support. Implement a governance framework to efficiently manage future changes.

Q. 67 Outline strategies to scale Salesforce deployment for a large enterprise, ensuring performance, user adoption, and security.

Custom indexes, skinny tables, and Platform Cache can all help to improve performance. Ensure scalable data access patterns by optimizing SOQL queries and limiting data retrieval. Drive user adoption by customizing the user interface with Lightning Experience and offering targeted training programs. Improve security by implementing field-level security, row-based sharing, and Salesforce Shield for encryption at rest. Regularly monitor and audit system usage and performance using Salesforce’s built-in monitoring tools and custom logging.

Q. 68 How would you design a system in Salesforce to ensure business continuity and data integrity in the event of major data loss?

Implement strong data backup strategies with third-party tools that provide automated, regular backups of Salesforce data and metadata. Use Salesforce’s data recovery services as a last resort. Create and implement a comprehensive disaster recovery plan, including regular testing of restore procedures. Consider using replication or mirroring techniques with a platform such as Heroku Postgres to maintain a real-time copy of important data. Make sure that the system architecture incorporates fault tolerance and data redundancy.

Q. 69 Describe your approach to debugging a complex issue where a Salesforce automation randomly fails due to an unknown cause.

Begin by reviewing the debug logs and enabling detailed trace flags for relevant users and processes. Use the Developer Console’s Log Inspector to evaluate execution performance and identify failures. Look for patterns in user behavior, data conditions, and system limitations. If the problem occurs intermittently, look into asynchronous operations such as future methods or batch jobs. In Apex, use strict, context-specific error handling to capture and log exceptions alongside context data. For more detailed tracking, use tools such as Salesforce Field Service Lightning.

Q. 70. Explain how you would design a Salesforce data architecture to handle over 100 million records, focusing on maintaining system performance and user accessibility.

Design the architecture with an emphasis on efficient data distribution and access patterns. Use Salesforce Big Objects to archive historical data while keeping operational data in standard objects for improved performance. To improve data access, use Salesforce Enterprise Territory Management and custom indexing.

Use skinny tables for frequently accessed fields to reduce query time. To avoid impacting the user experience, design asynchronous processes for heavy computations. Use Salesforce’s Query Plan tool to regularly review and optimize query performance.

Q. 71. How would you handle the integration of Salesforce with multiple ERP systems, ensuring data consistency and real-time synchronization?

Use an integration platform such as MuleSoft to build a centralized integration hub that connects Salesforce to multiple ERP systems. Use API-driven connectivity to ensure clear separation of concerns and maintainability. Implement robust transaction management and error-handling mechanisms to ensure data consistency across systems. If real-time synchronization is required, use webhooks or streaming APIs where available; otherwise, rely on periodic batch updates to ensure minimal latency. Define a clear master data management strategy that specifies the source of truth for various data entities.

Q. 72. Design a custom workflow engine in Salesforce that allows end users to define and modify their workflows dynamically without developer intervention.

Create a custom metadata-driven engine with Custom Metadata Types and Custom Settings for storing workflow definitions that end users can edit. Create a dynamic user interface with Lightning Web Components that allows users to configure workflow steps, conditions, and actions. Use Apex to interpret metadata definitions and dynamically execute business logic based on user preferences. Implement extensive logging and error handling to aid debugging and ensure reliability.

Q.73 What strategies would you employ to optimize performance for batch processes that operate over large data volumes in Salesforce?

Implement stateful batch Apex to reduce startup overhead for batch job executions. Use the database. Use stateful in your batch class to keep state data between batch chunks. Optimize query selectors in the start method to make them selective and indexed. If the order in which records are processed is not important, use parallel batch processing. Consider breaking down large jobs into smaller, more manageable batches to avoid timeouts and better manage governor limits.

Q.74 Discuss your approach to managing sensitive data in Salesforce, ensuring compliance with international data protection regulations such as GDPR.

Protect sensitive data by implementing field-level security, encryption at rest with Salesforce Shield, and audit trails. Salesforce data classification helps you identify and manage sensitive data based on its security requirements. Implement consent management procedures to obtain and store user consent for data processing activities. Give users the ability to access, correct, and delete their personal data, in accordance with the GDPR’s data subject rights. To ensure compliance, train users on best practices for data protection on a regular basis and conduct security audits.

Q.75 How would you implement advanced AI features in Salesforce to enhance customer prediction models?

Leverage Salesforce Einstein AI to build custom prediction models directly within the platform. Utilize Einstein Prediction Builder for straightforward predictions based on your data patterns. For more complex scenarios, use Einstein Discovery to analyze large data sets and refine models based on deep insights. Integrate external AI services via Apex if additional computational capabilities are needed. Regularly train and evaluate your models to improve accuracy and adjust to new data.

Q.76 How would you design a multi-tenant architecture within a single Salesforce instance to ensure data segregation among different business units?

Implement record types and use them to distinguish between data from different business units. Use Salesforce’s robust role hierarchy and sharing rules to strictly enforce record visibility and editing rights. Consider creating separate custom objects or custom settings for configuration data unique to each tenant. Use Apex-managed sharing for more dynamic sharing needs that cannot be met by declarative sharing settings.

Q.77 Describe how you would design a fault-tolerant system for integrating Salesforce with multiple external systems (e.g., ERP, HR systems).

Use middleware, such as MuleSoft, to orchestrate integrations and handle complex transformation logic. Include robust error handling and retry mechanisms in the integration flows. Use Platform Events to decouple systems and ensure that messages are not lost in the event of a system failure. Consider using external queue systems, such as AWS SQS or Kafka, to manage large volumes while ensuring message durability and fault tolerance.

Q.78 How would you build a scalable system in Salesforce to process and analyze thousands of inbound emails daily?

Utilize Salesforce Email Services to process incoming emails. Write custom Apex classes to handle the parsing and processing logic of email content. Use database batch processing to manage high volumes of email data and to update or create records based on email content. Implement monitoring and logging to track processing failures and performance metrics.

Q.79 Design a system in Salesforce to dynamically assign leads to sales reps based on a complex set of rules that can change frequently.

Develop a custom assignment engine using Apex that evaluates leads against a set of rules stored in Custom Metadata Types. This allows for easy updates to rules without modifying code. Consider implementing a decision table pattern for rule evaluation and using custom objects to log assignment decisions for audit and review. Optionally, integrate with a rule engine or use Salesforce CPQ for managing highly complex rules.

Q80. What approach would you take to enhance data visualization capabilities in Salesforce beyond what is offered by standard reports and dashboards?

Implement Lightning Web Components to create custom data visualizations using web standards such as SVG or integrate third-party JavaScript libraries like D3.js. Consider leveraging Salesforce Einstein Analytics for advanced analytics and AI-driven insights, customizing its dashboards to fit specific business needs. Utilize external BI tools such as Tableau, which can be integrated with Salesforce for more sophisticated visualizations and analyses.

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